I just read about this theme park which seems like a bit of a missed opportunity to me. I love the idea of children playing grown ups. The whole idea of having a mini econmy is brilliant. It's a shame they seem to have recreated a tiny version of the developed world as it exsists today. A theme park is a brilliant platform for a whole new generation to start the innovation process towards more sustainable alternatives to the ones we have created in the real world. I've even got the name...Greenland, ah, that's already taken.
I heard a story that the name Greenland was actually a Viking marketing ploy to encourage people to settle there. The Iceland brand wasn't doing too well back in Scaninavia due to it's rather frosty associations. Learning from this, Erik the Adman decided that the new territory shouldn't be called 'Even-icierland' and be re-branded Greenland. I wonder if this is true or just something I heard in the pub?
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