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October 10, 2008



Yup - an interesting trend. With the current economic climate it might even become a mega-trend.

Interestingly a recently started company that specialises in repairing all the small electronic goods that noone else cares about and usually throws away was on ErhvervsBladet.dk's "start-up business of the year"-shortlist in January.

You can read about the idea here: http://www.erhvervsbladet.dk/article/20080118/ivaerksaetteri/701160005/

Andrew Smart

Thanks for the comment Paul. I agree. If I was starting a business right now, (which I'm still in the process of doing I guess) I would be thinking on these lines.

Let's have a chat (over a beer) about it.


Sure thing!

(I am afraid I missed the invite to your agency "new offices" housewarming ;-) )

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